Remember The Titans


Remember the Titans is one of the best sports movies of all time. I guarantee that after you watch it, you will feel inspired to do something with your life. Or, at least, that’s how I felt when I first watched it.

Most people who haven’t seen this movie think that it’s only about good, old-fashioned, American football. But it is way more than that. Remember the Titans is about integrity, brotherhood, equality, and heart. It’s about learning how to play in a team, even if you feel like you don’t belong in it.

The movie is about T.C. Williams’ high school football team. Originally an all-white team, the Titans were coached by Bill Yoast, an esteemed white coach on the verge of being inducted into the high school hall of fame. However, he was replaced by Herman Boone, an African American coach who causes some discomfort within the team and the surrounding all-white town. In the midst of Boone’s arrival, T.C. Williams High School was undergoing some major change as well. This was the first year that they were integrating the high schools, which caused high racial tensions between students, especially the ones on the football team. With a lot of hard work and open-mindedness, the guys on the team learned to set aside their differences and work together to play the game. Not only that, but they actually learned to appreciate these differences and understand that the color of your skin does not matter. The cohesiveness of the Titans led them to not only win the championship game, but also gain a band of brothers that would respect and protect each other for a long time.

This movie is all about overcoming inequality, which is something that Americans really value. Americans believe that the United States is a place where everybody has equal rights. You know, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This movie highlights how important equality is in America, and yet how it’s not something that can change overnight or throughout the course of a football game. Sure, the Titans got along just fine after a week of football camp. But the movie shows how the rest of their community didn’t exactly feel that way. Some of the black football players were kicked out of restaurants, or victims of violence in school. This movie is inspirational because it shows both sides of the story, not only the good parts.

Of course, the main thing that tied this movie together was football. Americans love the idea people can show solidarity through playing a game. I think it’s because it highlights this idea of being part of a team, and playing for the same side. It’s a form of connectedness in a time of separation.

This movie is an all-time classic. And like I said, it’s about way more than just football.

Remember the Titans was inspired by a true story. At the end of the movie, the credits showed what some of the Titans were up to. Check out this article talking about the Titans’ quarterback/linebacker, Petey Jones, and how he’s still coaching football at T.C. Williams High School.

Did you know that this movie was so inspirational that some football coaches actually took their players to see it, instead of giving them a pep talk? Check out this article talking about the UC Berkley football coach doing exactly that!

Favorite Quote: “I don’t care if you like each other of not, but you will respect each other. And maybe… I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men.”

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