Jurassic World

Jurassic World was this past summer’s hit blockbuster. Everyone told me that it was, hands down, the best movie that they released in 2015. At first, I didn’t really want to believe all the hype. But of course, I couldn’t resist the appeal. I mean, Chris Pratt and dinosaurs? Say no more.

They were right. It was probably one of the best movies I had seen that summer. I don’t know if it was the impressive CGI or the amazing plot line, but Jurassic World had me at the edge of my seat the entire time. I also really liked how you didn’t have to see any of the Jurassic Park movies to understand Jurassic World. They made a few references to it, but to an average person who hadn’t seen Jurassic Park, it didn’t really make a difference to the overall story. It was a perfect revival of a popular franchise.

In my opinion, Jurassic World embodied two important American values. The first being that there are always people who are going to come in and save the day. Americans really value heroism and bravery. That’s why we keep making superhero movies. This movie shows Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard as that dream team of heroes who save the island from mass-death and mass-destruction. Another thing that this movie highlights is the idea that humans are always going to defeat science. Even though humans were the ones who caused their own problem, their brawn and ingenuity helps them conquer the genetically modified monster-dinosaur that they’ve created. Once again, humans save the day (with a little help from non-modified dinosaurs, of course).

Favorite Quote: “Don’t worry. It’s gonna be just like taking a walk in the woods…65 million years ago.”

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